We used the finest wool felt, unlike other tunnel beds on the market. Due to this, our Majestic Cats Cave is significantly more durable than conventional tunnel beds. more supple and sophisticated than before. Even the "chubbiest" adult cats can tunnel, hide, or slumber on the L-shaped site all day.
Small = 2 to 8 lbs
Large = 8 to 25 lbs
Cats Personality:
Our cats tend to linger around or conceal places to feel safe and secure because they lack mental security by nature. The Majestic Cats Cave, which differs from other cat beds in that it is well made to allow any cat to play and sleep while providing a safe and natural environment, is similar to playing with holes and tunnels.
Dander-Free and Cozy
Wool felt is used for the materials, which won't attach to the cat's fur. The Majestic Cats Cave can hold the weight of 2-3 cats and is strong enough to do so. for cats, comfortably. We have put our items through countless tests to ensure that not even the most vicious cats can harm them.
Quality Time with your Cat
Our adorable cats have plenty of time to play every day. We can free ourselves up to do anything else or just observe them relaxing in bed. The focus is on maintaining a positive relationship with our cats while having fun with them. Given that it has a comparable effect to exercise, it is both physical and mental.
Super Easy to Clean and Detachable
Because of its improved zipper design, the Majestic Cats Cave is incredibly simple to clean. It is quickly and easily removed. Also, it is washable.